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Order Cancellation, Returns & Refunds

  • Order Cancellation:

You can cancel and update your order when the status of your order is in "PROCESSING" and not after that. For order cancellation or update, just call us at 9213118118 or write us at with your order id, name and registered mobile number.

  • Order Returns:

You can return your ordered product/s at the time of delivery (We have no objection policy for returning of products) and the refund shall be made to your e-wallet. We don’t make instant refunds in any form or in any other mode other than e-wallet.

For product/order return, just call us at 9213118118 or write us at with your order id, name and registered mobile number.

  • Refunds:

The refund shall be made only for returned products, returned orders, or any other product/quality issues. We cross-check the product before processing refunds from our side.

We make refunds in your Grocio e-wallets only. We don’t offer refunds in cash or any other mode.Your refunds may take processing time anywhere between 24 hours to 96 hours depending on the case.

In case of payment failure and money deduction from your bank account/credit card, our payment gateway partner would process the refund automatically and you will get the complete refund back to your account/card within 5-7 working days.

To raise your concern, just call us at 9213118118 or write us at with your order id, name and registered mobile number.

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